I have learned a lot about the great ouroboros conflict; morality vs the bigger
The idea of this type of conflict is in itself a very hard debate to settle.
Weather to settle on moral values with the price of a future possibility, or
to settle on an idea that supports the future and what can be. This is a very
hard question, and yet a very reacurring question.
A great example of one of these conflicts comes in the form of marvel.
Spesifically the story of Kang, Kang is basically a man who made himself a
god through time travel and his great ability to conquer. The great conflict
that Kang attends to as his variant 'He Who Remains' is either let the people
of his timeline have complete free will and risk the destruction and litteral
end of everything. Or he can manage the timeline and prevent any further
branches to ensure that no encursions or multivursal wars happen. With the
second option, he has to prune-obliterate-the branches, essentially killing
a quadrillion people within seconds (not the morally correct answer). With
the first option, he gives anyone and everyone freewill and dosen't have to
kill anyone (the morally correct answer) although this does ensure that the
entire multiverse can end.